Manolo Remidi - Representative for the London/UK area.
Manolo Remiddi
Hello everyone,
here's my pitch to represent Emanate in UK/London
Please vote for me, thanks!
Filippo Saccucci
To the moon!!! ;)
sandro remiddi
Se tu hai scelto Emanate, vuol dire che è un grande progetto! Grazie
Manolo Remiddi
sandro remiddi: thanks :D
Gigi Piscitelli
Great!!! you have my vote :)
Manolo Remiddi
Gigi Piscitelli: awesome thanks
Jerry L
Looking like a great fit for emanate. You got my vote.
Manolo Remiddi
Jerry L: thank you Jerry. Your vote is much appreciated
Scott Gingrich
Very nice pitch. Your background and experience impressive
Manolo Remiddi
Scott Gingrich: Thanks Scott
DJ Lethal Skillz
Awesome pitch and love your work and background, sound like a perfect fit to join the rep army ;) I love the 'Street Dancer' from your work on Vimeo musically and the video, Dope!
Manolo Remiddi
DJ Lethal Skillz: thank you, I'm glad you like my work. Looking forward what we can do on 2020